Switch widget zones with pagination function

Yutaro Kataoka asked on February 6, 2018 09:30


I am currently creating a template for news articles and writing articles using it. When the article got longer, I wanted to split the page using the pagination function.

I thought that I should use the Universal Pager web parts to make it happen, I studied about it and put it into practice.

However, I learned that Universal pager will display its contents using transformation.

I am writing an article by combining various widgets in the widget zone. So I thought that it was difficult to display the contents of articles using conversion. I would like to create some widget zones and switch them with pagination.

I want to realize this with Kentico's function.

We are waiting for your reply.

Recent Answers

Amit Srivastava answered on February 6, 2018 11:00

Hi Yutaro,

Please check with below links.


UniPager - Full Structure Example

Hope, It helps you.

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Trevor Fayas answered on February 6, 2018 15:16

Pagers are only for listings (like repeaters), yours is just a page with widgets so you can't use the UniPager for this.

What you are going to need to do is use a "Read more" JQuery plugin.

This is a good one, you can set how "tall" you want the article to be in pixels before it adds the "Read more"


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Peter Mogilnitski answered on February 6, 2018 16:14

May be you can you use built in macro/transfomartion method like

<%# LimitLength("Example of long text", 10 , "...", true) %> Set the last parameter to true to avoid trimming in the middle of words.

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