Source of empty anonymous Contacts

Bryan Johnson asked on May 31, 2016 23:27

I am collecting anonymous Contacts in the On-line marketing system from page visits to a Kentico 9 site. Many of the generated Contact records have no activities listed. How is this possible? How can an anonymous Contact record be auto-generated without a user visiting a page? Also strange is these empty records never seem to have IP address information.

Correct Answer

Brenden Kehren answered on June 1, 2016 00:54

Bryan, take a look at my post on this exact problem you're having:

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Recent Answers

Bryan Johnson answered on June 1, 2016 16:37

Great write-up, Brenden. I was getting about 20,000 empty contacts a day. When I switched off the online user monitoring, the out-of-control generation stopped. Thank you.

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