Smart Search: Filter documents for users with valid permissions (roles)

Roland Kirpal asked on December 12, 2015 14:02


I have a folder where I added a role "X" under "Properties -> Security". Role X has the permission to read all documents under this folder. Other permissions like Modify, Create,... are denied. The permissions on all documents of this folder are inherited from the folder itself.

I use smart search web parts to display documents from several folders. Among these documents are the documents of the described folder (with limited permissions for roles). In my smart search, however, all documents are shown, independent of user roles.

So my question is:

How do I filter documents to only show documents where the currently logged in user has the permissions (via their role) to read the documents?

Thanks, Roland

Recent Answers

David te Kloese answered on December 12, 2015 15:25


Have a look at this article:

Basically comes down to configuring the search webpart to check permissions.



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Roland Kirpal answered on December 14, 2015 14:44

Hello David te Kloese,

Thank you! Sorry, totally missed that doc.


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