Thanks Trevor,
I did more research and found more information. I also should mention that this is on Kentico 9.
It looks like the error only shows up when macros are nested. There are two macros in use:
{% if(AonClient.Settings.isFSA==true && AonClient.Settings.isHSA==true) { %}
{%GetCheckOutMedicalPlanMessage("BronzePlusAlt,SilverAlt1, SilverAlt2,Gold,Platinum", GetResourceString("AON.And"), "coverage level costs","coverage levels cost")#%}
When used individually on the page, each of them works. However, when we use the GetCheckoutMedicalPlanMessage macro within the if statement macro, then the error gets logged and the macro does not render.
The GetCheckoutMedicalPlanMessage is a custom macro coded in a CS file. However, it is used just like any other macro in a content property within the portal.
Here is what the content of the page looks like:
Nested Macros: (does not work)
{% if(AonClient.Settings.isFSA==true && AonClient.Settings.isHSA==true) { %}
{%GetCheckOutMedicalPlanMessage("BronzePlusAlt,SilverAlt1, SilverAlt2,Gold,Platinum",
GetResourceString("AON.And"), "coverage level costs","coverage levels cost")#%}
{% if(AonClient.Settings.isFSA==true && AonClient.Settings.isHSA==true) { %}
If macro, works. (Standalone)
Custom GetCheckoutMedicalPlanMessage Works (Standalone):
{%GetCheckOutMedicalPlanMessage("BronzePlusAlt,SilverAlt1, SilverAlt2,Gold,Platinum", GetResourceString("AON.And"), "coverage level costs","coverage levels cost")#%}
The full error is as follows:
Security check of the expression ' if(AonClient.Settings.isFSA==true && AonClient.Settings.isHSA==true) { %}
If you enroll in the @@{%GetCheckOutMedicalPlanMessage("BronzePlusAlt,SilverAlt1, SilverAlt2,Gold,Platinum", GetResourceString("AON.And"), "coverage level costs","coverage levels cost")#%}, you can use the Health Care FSA to pay for qualified medical, dental, and vision expenses.
{%}|(user)mpenela|(hash)ae02176f776effe302fdec6a22866d3d29505e91e691b9f84121b870cbf0a43f' didn't pass. The expression was signed by user ''. Remove the signature and re-save the expression by a user with proper permissions.
Thanks again!