Root folder issue/question

MyPoint CreditUnion asked on September 9, 2014 22:09

When I started working on a website I had to put the whole thing in a folder. The name I chose was "root". This is on a dev server, the live server needs to be in the actual root, not a folder called "root". In other words, my urls are now all:, and I need it to be

How can I accomplish this? Do I deploy to inetpub/wwwroot? Right now it would be inetpub/wwwroot/root and obviously I can not simply move the site by hand.

Please advise me on what to do so everything points correctly before I get any further.


Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on September 10, 2014 00:37

Your folder structure won't make a difference, its how you have it setup in IIS. In IIS the root of you website should be pointing to the "root" directory of your website. My guess is now you have your root website in IIS pointing to /inetpub/wwwroot and the Kentico instance in in /inetpub/wwwroot/root.

When you move it to the live server things should be just fine, I'm sure as the "root" shouldn't be stored in any of the links in your database unless you've hard coded them.

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MyPoint CreditUnion answered on September 10, 2014 00:41

This is as I suspected, and why I was not worried.

There are a few things that are "hardcoded" using a url like ~/root/store/product

If I change those to ~/store/product and then change the IIS set up then I should be good to go right?

I try and let the system dictate the URLs to avoid things like this, but when I do need to "hardcode" a URL how do I do it correctly?

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Brenden Kehren answered on September 10, 2014 15:23

Ideally your Kentico instance will be in the root of the website meaning when you navigate to it will load Kentico. VS. All of this is initial setup and configuration. There should be no need to hardcode any URL, if setup is done properly then IIS and Kentico will handle it all for you.

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MyPoint CreditUnion answered on September 10, 2014 17:15

Any ideas on how to change it after the fact? I thought of trying to deploy the site to the root of the website (in effect moving it, I hope).

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