Remove http protocol when upload media to Amazon S3

arediey ismail asked on March 2, 2017 09:34

We are using AWS S3 as our media storage. We are also enforcing ssl to our sites. The problem with media upload now is that, it will only return http after images have been uploaded to S3. Is there any way to ensure media selector return https or remove the the protocol entirely without hacking the code?

Image Text


Recent Answers

Trevor Fayas answered on March 2, 2017 15:44

I don't see a web.config key or some easy setting to change this, i would take a look at the media library page/control and see if you can find something in may be able to help.

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arediey ismail answered on March 7, 2017 04:37

I have contract Kentico Support. If we are using cloud front as CDN, it's really easy. In WebConfig file. make sure the EndPoint set to https

<appSettings> <add key="CMSAmazonPublicAccess" value="true" /> <add key="CMSAmazonEndPoint" value="https://yourcdn.url" /> </appSettings>

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Trevor Fayas answered on March 7, 2017 04:42

Awesome, thanks for posting the answer from the wonderful Kentico support!

Shouldn't have doubted there would be a web.config key to solve this...

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