Regarding kentico 10 portal engine upgrade to kentico 12 mvc model

gaurav srivastava asked on April 12, 2019 09:44


I have one question. I hope many of them are having this question. I have a project in kentico 10. I have used portal engine 10 and custom development. Now as kentico 12 is in market and for future it is better than portal engine. I want to upgrade my kentico 10 portal engine project to kentico mvc 12. I know both models are different so i think it is very much difficult to use even database which is created using portal engine and now i want to use new mvc. So i have question and confusion please let me know your suggestion.

1) if i upgrade portal engine 10 to portal engine 11 to portal engine 12 so what kind of issues can occur related to data migration ?

2) if i start with kentico mvc 12 new installation and i created new views in mvc so how i can use my old data with the current mvc model ? Because the last project is created with portal engine ?

I hope you understand my current problem.

Recent Answers

Ilesh Mistry answered on April 12, 2019 11:18 (last edited on April 12, 2019 11:18)

Hi Gaurav

Unfortunately there is no upgrade option from an existing Portal Engine setup to be upgraded to Kentico 12 MVC. As the models are completly different.

To answer your questions...

1) It really depends on the complexity of your site, how much customisation is done and also what features of Kentico you've used, as well as other things mentioned in the documentation.

I would recommend to look at the upgrade aspects of the documentation firstly for v10 to v11 and then v11 to v12.

Before each upgrade, it's important to check the release notes of each version as well, as it will help identify potential breaking changes

It's important to make sure you also get to the latest hotfix of the latest version

Remember to test each upgrade before proceeding to the next one

2) It really depends on your and your teams MVC expertise, but my recommendation would be to go for the MVC approach rather than upgrading. It would also depend how you created and used the portal engine sites orginally. I say this because although we can't upgrade from portal engine to MVC, but say you created custom settings, custom tables, custom modules, page types that are content only etc... then you could look to utilise them in the new MVC build by bringing them over with exporting them and then importing them in. But it's important to bear in mind the different versions and if something has changed then it might involve some work.

There is also this blog post by Jeroen Furst, that could help with content migrating

I hope this helps


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gaurav srivastava answered on April 12, 2019 13:32

Dear ilesh,

Thankyou for your reply. I know mvc model is good for future but i am afraid about data migration. Can i use my current database with mvc ?

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Ilesh Mistry answered on April 12, 2019 14:42

I do agree about the data migration and personally I feel it would get messy if you used an existing database.

You would then need to consider that you would need to perform the upgrades (v10 to v11 and v11 to v12) on the database still to get it to the latest version and then still convert or rebuild aspects within the database to MVC and also any dependences that could be from the upgraded version and resolve any breaking changes and plus there could be many other things. I wouldn't personally recommend this as it could leave in a potential poor state for the future.

There are a few questions I would thinking about here... How much data are you thinking about here? How complex is your site at the moment? Would it be simpler to create them again and refine practices and implement latest functionality and features to potential standards from when you first built the site?

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gaurav srivastava answered on April 12, 2019 14:55


My site is having huge data. And thats why i am afraid to go for MVC or not. Its very much time consuming to do the code again and also spend again money for that. But as future perspectives i am thinking and looking for mvc model. But i dont think it would be easy to do that. Because application having very huge data. I have this time only option to upgrade to 11 and then 12 to portal engine. But i am afraid also for the blog released by kentico itself the portal engine support will be die in near future in 2022. So i hope you understand my concern. If i go for mvc so data migration will be very much biggest challenge for me. Or if i dont go for Mvc so in future it will be more tuff to stay with kentico CMS.

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Ilesh Mistry answered on April 12, 2019 15:20

Remember Kentico portal engine will be not supported 2022, but the site could still function. It would just mean you would not be eligible for any updates from Kentico bug fixes, security patches and support.

If you're worried about the data, then it all depends on how this data is constructed and built. If you have lots of page types and they are not content only page types, then you can use the converting process as mentioned in the blog post by Jeroen.

If you have lots of widgets, then I'm afriad for Kentico MVC, you would need to rebuild them.

If you're uses lots of inbuilt and custom web parts, then again this would need to be rebuilt. The same goes for page templates.

However, the content and how that is arranged will be the important bit on how you can convert it to MVC. The rest of the things would require rebuilding. If you can change the content to content only, then port that across to a new site, then this might help you in the path of going over to MVC.

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