Products Price?

Faisal Alsugair asked on July 4, 2014 20:17


I looking to add products with details but without prices and icon of add to cart, so how can I disable them?


Recent Answers

Adam Gitin answered on July 6, 2014 08:19


Are these products FREE PRODUCTS that need to go through the shopping cart process?

Just trying to understand exactly what you are trying to achieve.

Adam @ 4Hilton

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Faisal Alsugair answered on July 6, 2014 08:50


Explain my question: I want to hidd the icon (Add to shopping cart). some products I can't sell through the shopping cart, so I want to just to show photo and details of items, If the visitors need to buy they can send inquiry by email......

Please advise..

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Adam Gitin answered on July 6, 2014 11:21


Thanks for the clarification.

You could try this:

 <% if(GetSKUFormattedPrice() != "$0.00"){ %>   

   <uc1:CartItemSelector id="addItem" runat="server" SKUID='<%# EvalInteger("SKUID") %>' SKUEnabled='<%# EvalBool("SKUEnabled") %>' AddToCartTooltip="Add to cart" AddToCartLinkText="Add to cart" ShowWishlistLink="true" AddToWishlistLinkText="Add to wishlist" ShowUnitsTextBox="true" AlwaysShowTotalPrice="true" TotalPriceLabel="Total price:" ShowProductOptions="true" />
     <% }else{ %> 

    ...send inquiry by email......

    <%  } %>

Hope this helps.

Adam @4Hilton

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Faisal Alsugair answered on July 6, 2014 12:56


Thank you for your reply. Please let me know where I can to use this code?.

Please explain.

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Adam Gitin answered on July 6, 2014 13:09

This code goes on the products page -> find the appropriate repeater -> transformation

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Faisal Alsugair answered on July 6, 2014 20:39


On Dashboard I click on pages then I click on the Products left site... after that what can I do?

I worry if I add mistak code so I ask you to explain more..

Please advise...

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Adam Gitin answered on July 7, 2014 02:13


I Think you should read up on Kentico.

You need to EDIT the products TRANSFORMATION.

Adam @4Hilton

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Martin Danko answered on July 7, 2014 04:32 (last edited on July 7, 2014 04:33)

Hello Adam,

There are two ways how you can edit transformations... Directly in the DESIGN mode -> Web part properties -> Transformations or via a related document type: Writing transformations.

Let me also recommend you Training for content administrators

Best regards, Martin

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Faisal Alsugair answered on July 7, 2014 20:05


Regarding to the code that Mr.Adam sent I tried to use it but nothing has not changed please find the original code under Web part properties -> Transformations then please explain where I can to past the code that Adam sent... Please note: I want to remove price, icon of add to shopping cart and add to wishlist (Just I want icon send inquiry).

<%@ Register Src="~/CMSModules/Ecommerce/Controls/ProductOptions/ShoppingCartItemSelector.ascx" TagName="CartItemSelector" TagPrefix="uc1" %>
<div class="ProductPreview">
  <div class="ProductBox">
    <div class="ProductImage">
      <a href="<%# GetDocumentUrl() %>" style="display:block;">
        <img src="<%# GetSKUImageUrl(200) %>" alt="<%# EvalText("SKUName", true) %>" />
    <a href="<%# GetDocumentUrl() %>">
      <span class="ProductTitle textContent">
        <%# EvalText("SKUName", true) %>
    <div class="ProductFooter">
      <div class="productPrice"><%# GetSKUFormattedPrice() %></div><uc1:CartItemSelector id="cartItemSelector" runat="server" SKUID='<%# EvalInteger("SKUID") %>' SKUEnabled='<%# EvalBool("SKUEnabled") %>'
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Adam Gitin answered on July 8, 2014 00:48

Hi Faisal,

Please example bellow:

<%@ Register Src="~/CMSModules/Ecommerce/Controls/ProductOptions/ShoppingCartItemSelector.ascx" TagName="CartItemSelector" TagPrefix="uc1" %>
<div class="ProductPreview">
  <div class="ProductBox">
    <div class="ProductImage">
      <a href="<%# GetDocumentUrl() %>" style="display:block;">
        <img src="<%# GetSKUImageUrl(200) %>" alt="<%# EvalText("SKUName", true) %>" />
    <a href="<%# GetDocumentUrl() %>">
      <span class="ProductTitle textContent">
        <%# EvalText("SKUName", true) %>
    <div class="ProductFooter">
     <% if(GetSKUFormattedPrice() != "$0.00"){ %>   

      <div class="productPrice"><%# GetSKUFormattedPrice() %></div>
      <uc1:CartItemSelector id="cartItemSelector" runat="server" SKUID='<%# EvalInteger("SKUID") %>' SKUEnabled='<%# EvalBool("SKUEnabled") %>'
  <% }else{ %> 

    ...send inquiry by email......

    <%  } %>
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Faisal Alsugair answered on July 8, 2014 08:36


I have use the code as you send but I still show the icon of add to shopping cart and add to wishlist and price!! (It same before without any change)!!

Please advise..

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Adam Gitin answered on July 8, 2014 12:54

The product that you are testing, did you make its PRICE 0 (zero)?

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Faisal Alsugair answered on July 8, 2014 19:50


Yes, I did price 0 please check the link of product after add the code with zero price as you sent:

Please advise..

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Adam Gitin answered on July 9, 2014 02:00

Hi Faisal,

To assist you further I would need to get accesses to your site and have a look.

You can contact me through this form LINK

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Martin Danko answered on July 9, 2014 04:56

Hi Faisal,

Let me also recommend you our Trainings. I believe this will really help you to understand how Kentico works and how to achieve your goals, especially the Developer Essentials training would be really well suited for you at this point.

Best regards, Martin

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Faisal Alsugair answered on July 9, 2014 09:12

Dear Adam,

I sent you the details by contact form..

Dear Martin: we don't have training in our country KSA.


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Martin Danko answered on July 9, 2014 09:24

Dear Faisal,

We deliver training to all the countries over the world and I can say that we have already delivered also the on-site consulting in Saudi Arabia. However, you can also take part in the on-line training courses, so our consultant or trainer could be sitting on a different side of globe and the training will be delivered over Remote session.

Best regards, Martin

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Faisal Alsugair answered on July 9, 2014 15:58

Dear Adam,

I send you the details, I think the code need to modify!

Please advise.

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Faisal Alsugair answered on July 10, 2014 09:29

Any update?!!

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