Regarding to the code that Mr.Adam sent I tried to use it but nothing has not changed
please find the original code under Web part properties -> Transformations then please explain where I can to past the code that Adam sent...
Please note: I want to remove price, icon of add to shopping cart and add to wishlist (Just I want icon send inquiry).
<%@ Register Src="~/CMSModules/Ecommerce/Controls/ProductOptions/ShoppingCartItemSelector.ascx" TagName="CartItemSelector" TagPrefix="uc1" %>
<div class="ProductPreview">
<div class="ProductBox">
<div class="ProductImage">
<a href="<%# GetDocumentUrl() %>" style="display:block;">
<img src="<%# GetSKUImageUrl(200) %>" alt="<%# EvalText("SKUName", true) %>" />
<a href="<%# GetDocumentUrl() %>">
<span class="ProductTitle textContent">
<%# EvalText("SKUName", true) %>
<div class="ProductFooter">
<div class="productPrice"><%# GetSKUFormattedPrice() %></div><uc1:CartItemSelector id="cartItemSelector" runat="server" SKUID='<%# EvalInteger("SKUID") %>' SKUEnabled='<%# EvalBool("SKUEnabled") %>'