Hi Brenden,
Firstly, thanks for your response.
I've done that you told me. I've moved the code for loadind the diferent dropdownlists into the OnContentLoaded() event, and I've tested that the control is inheriting from CMSAbstractWebPart.
public partial class CMSWebParts_Babel_EMT_insertarIncidentes : CMSAbstractWebPart
public override void OnContentLoaded()
cargarLista(GetValue("tipoIncidente"), "ddlTipoIncidente", true);
cargarLista(GetValue("centroTrabajo"), "ddlCentroTrabajo", true);
cargarLista(GetValue("horaJornada"), "ddlHoraJornada", false);
cargarLista(GetValue("turnoTrabajo"), "ddlTurnoTrabajo", true);
cargarLista(GetValue("valoracionInicial"), "ddlvaloracion", true);
cargarLista(GetValue("parejaIndividual"), "ddlIndividual", true);
cargarLista(GetValue("situacionEPI"), "ddlDetalleSituacion", true);
But this hasn't solved the problem. So, when I try to recover on the server side the selected value of any dropdownlist, this value is allways the first value of the list. Besides, the recharged page show the first element of each dropdownlist as selected element.