Problem deleting Media Libraries

Brett Simmonds asked on August 12, 2014 23:37

I am running into an issue with Kentico 8. I have created a media library that I have since wanted to delete. We are using the base license, but when I go to delete the library I get the following message:

Feature 'Personas' is not available in the Kentico edition you are using. See event log for more details.

Looking at the event log didn't offer much more of an explanation:

Message: Thread was being aborted.

Exception type: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException Stack Trace: at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal() at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo) at System.Web.HttpResponse.AbortCurrentThread() at CMS.LicenseProvider.LicenseHelperInternal.ReportLicenseError(String redirectUrl, String message) at CMS.LicenseProvider.LicenseService.CheckLicense(FeatureEnum feature, String domain, Boolean throwError) at CMS.DataEngine.AbstractInfoProvider2.GetObjectQuery(Boolean checkLicense) at CMS.Personas.PersonaInfoProvider.GetPersonasInternal() at CMS.Personas.Handlers.PersonasHandlers.DeletePersonaPicture(Object sender, ObjectEventArgs e) at CMS.Base.AbstractHandler.CallEventHandler[TArgs](EventHandler1 h, TArgs e) at CMS.Base.AbstractHandler.Raise[TArgs](String partName, List1 list, TArgs e, Boolean important) at CMS.Base.AdvancedHandler2.RaiseAfter(TArgs e) at CMS.Base.AdvancedHandler2.RaiseAfter(TArgs e) at CMS.Base.AdvancedHandler2.Finish() at CMS.DataEngine.AbstractInfo1.DeleteData() at CMS.DataEngine.AbstractInfoProvider2.DeleteInfo(TInfo info) at CMS.DataEngine.MetaFileInfoProvider.DeleteFilesInternal(Int32 objectId, String objectType, String category) at CMS.DataEngine.AbstractInfo1.DeleteMetafiles() at CMS.DataEngine.AbstractInfo1.DeleteData() at CMS.DataEngine.AbstractInfoProvider`2.DeleteInfo(TInfo info) at CMSModules_MediaLibrary_Controls_UI_MediaLibraryList.gridElem_OnAction(String actionName, Object actionArgument) in f:\tfs-infinet\InfiNet\Main\Clients\HMS Care\Heritage Holdings Kentico\CMS\CMSModules\MediaLibrary\Controls\UI\MediaLibraryList.ascx.cs:line 130

That is followed by the Feature not Available Page. Any ideas what would cause this?

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on August 13, 2014 00:10 (last edited on August 13, 2014 00:10)

What hotfix are you on? Looks like there was a fix in hotfix 8.0.1 for this.

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Brett Simmonds answered on August 13, 2014 15:04

We actually have hotfix 8.0.1 as we needed to apply it in order to get the media libraries application to show up. I looked through the other hotfixes and didn't see anything that appeared to apply to this situation.

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Brenden Kehren answered on August 14, 2014 05:39

Hotfix 19 is out and if you have the ability, I'd update your site, only takes a bit to do. Sometimes the description of the bug and the actual fix aren't very informative or could be related to something else.

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