I have a page type which is part of the master page for the header. It has two transforms which I have updated, but since making the changes to the transform they do not appear to run. I have tried closing my browser and re-logging, and I have re-signed the macros a few times now, but the HTML output doesn't contain the transforms.
Changes made:
Page Type: * ECY – Global Alert > Transformations
Active transformation:
Outputs a css class to the header element
`{%Enabled == true ? " alert " : ""%}`
`{%Enabled == true ? " site-header header-alert-active " : " site-header "%}`
Alert transformation:
Outputs the alert content
<div class="alert-text-container" >
<a class="alert-hide-btn" tabindex="0">Hide Alert</a>
<div class="alert-text">
<!--{% IfEmpty(AlertIcon, "<img alt=\"" + Eval(AlertIconAltText) + "\" src=\"" + Eval(AlertIcon) + "\" />", ) %} -->
{% IfEmpty(AlertIcon, "", "<img alt=\"" + Eval(AlertIconAltText) + "\" src=\"" + Eval(AlertIcon) + "\" />") %}
<div class="header-alert" role="alert">
<a class="alert-hide-btn" tabindex="0">Hide Alert</a>
<div class="alert-text">
<!--{% IfEmpty(AlertIcon, "<img alt=\"" + Eval(AlertIconAltText) + "\" src=\"" + Eval(AlertIcon) + "\" />", ) %} -->
{% IfEmpty(AlertIcon, "", "<img alt=\"" + Eval(AlertIconAltText) + "\" src=\"" + Eval(AlertIcon) + "\" />") %}
When I look at the resulting HTML output, it is not transforming correctly. Not sure what I’m missing. I’ve been working on figuring this out for over an hour now.