Page-based newsletter

Bo Fu asked on January 31, 2019 04:46

Does Kentico 12 support page-based newsletter?

Recent Answers

Juraj Ondrus answered on January 31, 2019 08:58

I am afraid but no, it does not support. However, there a module available on our marketplace. Although it is for Kentico 11, you can take inspiration from it and create custom one.

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Bo Fu answered on January 31, 2019 14:50

Hi Juraj,

Thanks for the quick reply. One more question that is there a way to schedule a newsletter to be sent on a frequency e.g. weekly just like the page-based newsletter before?

Thanks Bo

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Juraj Ondrus answered on February 4, 2019 13:56

Yes, you can e.g. create a custom scheduled task which will sent given newsletter automatically.

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