Page Based Newsletter

Melanie Lenaghan asked on October 17, 2017 19:25

I followed the instructions to setup a page based newsletter and all is working as expected except for two things. 1) The email is pulling in the header and footer content. Is there any way to pull in just the content within the page itself? 2) The email does not take any of the CSS styling. Is there any way to have the email content styled?

Correct Answer

Brenden Kehren answered on October 17, 2017 19:47

Set the page template's parent to have it's own master page template which does not have any of the other main site's master page content.

If you're using a stylesheet to style the page, you will need to include all those styles within the page's head tag. Email clients do not render CSS from a stylesheet, it has to be embedded within the email HTMl itself.

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Melanie Lenaghan answered on October 17, 2017 21:43

Thanks Brenden. I forgot to mention the actual still page DOES need the header and footer and the client will not want to enter the content twice. But now that I think about it, I could use linked pages. (One using master page template, one not using master page template.)

We use LESS with a lot of variables so I was hoping for an easy answer but I figured there wouldn't be.

Thank you for your input.

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Brenden Kehren answered on October 17, 2017 21:56

If that is the case then simply copy the webparts or the raw HTML for the header and footer into that new master page template and again, don't inherit the main master page template. There are a lot of reasons to inherit it and dynamic newsletters is NOT one of them. Understandable using LESS/SASS but keep in mind, it's not a Kentico restriction, it's simply how email clients work. If the HTML/CSS is not embedded in the email, it will not be displayed as you expect.

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Melanie Lenaghan answered on October 17, 2017 22:48

Yes, completely understand. Thanks for the info.

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