Omniture/Adobe Analytics event not triggering

Darek Mucek asked on November 8, 2017 17:24

Hello Everyone,

I'm running into an issue were an event that should be triggered upon form submission is not registering. I have copied (duplicated), started from scratch, piece by piece built a new form from our existing contact-us form with no success of triggering the event in question.

I don't know how is this possible? I've checked the source code of both pages and I can't find any indication that the new form should "not" be capturing this event. Any backend places I should look that I'm not aware of? Anything as of this point would be grateful!

Thank you

Recent Answers

Rui Wang answered on November 8, 2017 17:52

Are you using Kentico Form application to create the form and using On-line Form web part to display the form? Or how did you build a new form?

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Darek Mucek answered on November 8, 2017 19:51

Yes, we used the Kentico From builder and inserted the form using the On-Line Form webpart. As far as settings go, I've checked a couple times and they are identical.

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Rui Wang answered on November 8, 2017 19:57

Are you saying the data are not capture in the CMS when you go to the Forms application and click the "Recorded data" for that form? Or are you saying the data is not collected outside of CMS like in Omniture? If you need to send the data elsewhere, you would need to take a look at this

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Darek Mucek answered on November 8, 2017 20:12 (last edited on November 8, 2017 20:12)

Thank you for your reply, Rui. I'm not that sure answers my question... It is, why or how can this omniture data be captured in ALL of our other forms but not this newly created form? That doesn't add up for me.

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Rui Wang answered on November 8, 2017 20:14

Are the other forms also created with Kentico form or they are HTML generated from Omniture? Are there JavaScripts used to collect the data?

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Darek Mucek answered on November 8, 2017 20:17

Same scenario for each form, kentico form builder and omniture js loaded on pages to capture event variables upon click of submit button. This new form, built like every other form doesn't capture this event.

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Rui Wang answered on November 8, 2017 20:23

Well, there is no easy way to help you in that case. You could try compare the working form and not working form HTML output to be sure all the JS are referenced correctly and fields are correct.

Or you can try clone one of the working form in CMS, change some of the fields to match the contact us form field and see if it still works.

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