No customer on contact membership.

Frédéric Caplet asked on September 3, 2018 08:41


In our site in mvc in kentico 10 we managed to get user assigned correctly to contact. So related user appear in the membership section of the specific contact in administration interface. It work as expected for user but not for customer. No entry is found in membership/customer.

In data base, customer is correctly linked to user as CustomerUserID feild from COM_Customer is set to related UserID from CMS_User table.

Any idea ?

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on September 3, 2018 09:00

Customers are only linked to users if they are part of an ecommerce checkout and have registered already.

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Frédéric Caplet answered on September 3, 2018 11:02

Thank you for your answer.

It seems that it does not resolve our issue as our late test (full order processing) does not link our customer to contact. Have you any documentation (for mvc implementation) when exactly the link is supposed to be made?

Of course, we can still create the relatiohship manualy with ContactMembershipInfoProvider.SetRelationship(MemberTypeEnum.EcommerceCustomer ... But as it is supposed to be automatic we fear that create some side effects.

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Brenden Kehren answered on September 3, 2018 15:06

Talk more about your checkout process and the product(s) being purchased.

Memberships are linked to a user. Users are linked to contacts and customers are linked to users. There is no direct link from a customer or a contact to a membership without going through a user.

Create the association as you state and see if you're getting the results you want.

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