I am using a nested repeater to allow for a news feed to appear on my home page. The query allows for sites on the same kentico instance to pull from a singular news source. Recently I have noticed some performance issues that seem to be related to this configuration. Is there any optimization that I can do to alleviate some of the load on my system. Here is my transformation code:
<script runat="server">
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
if ((this.Parent is IDataItemContainer) && (EvalInteger("SpotlightType") == 3))
IDataItemContainer cont = this.Parent as IDataItemContainer;
if (cont != null)
rLatestNews.WhereCondition = "selectedBusiness.val = '" + Eval("SpotlightBusinessUnit") + "'";
rLatestNews.TopN = EvalInteger("SpotlightNewsCount");
Response.Write("Error: IDataItemContainer is null");
if ((this.Parent is IDataItemContainer) && (EvalInteger("SpotlightType") == 4))
IDataItemContainer cont = this.Parent as IDataItemContainer;
if (cont != null)
rLatestNewsLocal.WhereCondition = "SiteName = '" + Eval("SiteName") + "'" ;
rLatestNewsLocal.TopN = EvalInteger("SpotlightNewsCount");
Response.Write("Error: IDataItemContainer is null");
<%# ((DataItemIndex%3)==0)?"<tr>":"" %>
<asp:Placeholder runat="server" visible='<%# IfCompare(EvalInteger("SpotlightType"),1, false, true) %>' >
<img src="<%# Eval("SpotlightImage") %>" alt="" <%# ((DataItemIndex%3)==0)?"width='252'":"width='288'" %> height="108" />
<h2><%# Eval("SpotlightTitle")%></h2>
<p><%# Eval("SpotlightText")%></p>
<asp:Placeholder runat="server" visible='<%# IfEmpty(Eval("SpotlightURL"),false, true) %>' >
<a href="<%# Eval("SpotlightURL")%>" class="more"><%# IfEmpty(Eval("SpotlightURLText"),"Learn More", Eval("SpotlightURLText") ) %></a>
</asp:Placeholder><br />
<asp:Placeholder runat="server" visible='<%# IfCompare(EvalInteger("SpotlightType"),2, false, true) %>' >
<%# Eval("SpotlightCustomText")%>
<asp:Placeholder runat="server" visible='<%# IfEmpty(Eval("SpotlightURL"),false, true) %>' >
<a href="<%# Eval("SpotlightURL")%>" class="more"><%# IfEmpty(Eval("SpotlightURLText"),"Learn More", Eval("SpotlightURLText") ) %></a>
<asp:Placeholder runat="server" visible='<%# IfCompare(EvalInteger("SpotlightType"),3, false, true) %>' >
<td rowspan="<%# IfCompare(EvalInteger("SpotlightNewsCount"),5,"1","3") %>">
<h2><%# Eval("SpotlightTitle")%></h2>
<cms:queryrepeater StopProcessing="false" runat="server" ID="rLatestNews" QueryName="custom.news.FilterByBusinessAndRegion" TransformationName="custom.news.newlatestexternal" OrderBy="NewsReleaseDate DESC" />
<asp:Placeholder runat="server" visible='<%# IfEmpty(Eval("SpotlightURL"),false, true) %>' >
<a href="<%# Eval("SpotlightURL")%>" class="more"><%# IfEmpty(Eval("SpotlightURLText"),"Learn More", Eval("SpotlightURLText") ) %></a>
<asp:Placeholder runat="server" visible='<%# IfCompare(EvalInteger("SpotlightType"),4, false, true) %>' >
<td rowspan="<%# IfCompare(EvalInteger("SpotlightNewsCount"),5,"1","3") %>">
<h2><%# Eval("SpotlightTitle")%></h2>
<cms:queryrepeater StopProcessing="false" runat="server" ID="rLatestNewsLocal" QueryName="cpsbu.site_news.SiteNewsFeatured" TransformationName="cpsbu.site_news.NewsLatest" OrderBy="NewsReleaseDate DESC" />
<asp:Placeholder runat="server" visible='<%# IfEmpty(Eval("SpotlightURL"),false, true) %>' >
<a href="<%# Eval("SpotlightURL")%>" class="more"><%# IfEmpty(Eval("SpotlightURLText"),"Learn More", Eval("SpotlightURLText") ) %></a>
<%# ((DataItemIndex%3)==2) || (DataRowView.DataView.Count==(DataItemIndex+1))?"</tr>":"" %>
Previous versions did not allow for dynamic inclusion of the "news" spotlight(It was simply another repeater on the page, and do not appear to have the same issue. My goal was to make this as flexible as possible for the client. Is there anything I can do to make this more efficient. In general I do not make my transformations overly complicated, but it this case it was necessary. Also the nested repeater is never returning more than 5 results. Any assistance would be appreciated.