Memory Utilzation when upgrade Kentico ver 10 to 11.

duy luu asked on March 19, 2019 12:36

Hi all, I have some problems concerning web service memory usage. We noticed that the usage of memory increased abnormally to 70% after upgrade from Kentico 10 to version 11 and we found only 2 possible reasons for the problem.
Firstly, we have ThreadAbortException make some blocked processes may increase memory usage.
Secondly, we have "ViewStateMode" attribute for all fields in form submit to storage value of form when page is post back.
We have fixed the exception and remove the ViewStateMode and also check the change on the chart.It has changed but not very clear. So could anyone share us some ideas on the reasons of memory usage after upgrade from Kentico 10 to 11?
Attached image on memory monitoring: ||

Image Text

Image Text

Thank you so much.

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on March 19, 2019 13:54

There could be a number of things attributing to the increase in memory usage.

  1. Bad code - did your site compile correctly after the upgrade?
  2. Have you checked Kentico's event logs and the IIS logs?
  3. Did you have a successful upgrade noted in the event log?
  4. Caching - have you checked your settings?
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duy luu answered on March 20, 2019 10:25

Thanks for your answer,
I checked out a few suggestions for check the site compile correctly after the upgrade by go to Dashboard admin page and check version on "Open Help Toolbar" and see version of Kentico is v11.0. I also go to the "bin" folder and check all Dll file have product version 11.0.0.Is it right?
For successful upgrade noted in the event log, because at upgrade I haven't checked it for a long time so do you have a key word to help me search on LogEvent?
For Caching, Can you give more specifically what I need to check?
Thanks a lot.

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