Hey all, bit of an odd one.
I have an index of jobs on a site I'm working on and have trouble getting results when dealing with multi-word field searches. An example of the raw lucene query is:
+(nurse) +employmenttype:"full - time" +pf_site:external +fld_jp_position_category:nursing
If I paste this exact query (which i am getting straight from Visual Studio debugger) into Luke using the same exact indexes that the site is using I get this:
As you can see, we get 56 results. However, using the same lucene query on Kentico, returns nothing. If I removed the field search "employmenttype", which is the only field search using a multi-word string, I get results again. So the issue is the multi-word terms for sure. This is true on any other field that has a multi-word term to be searched as well.
Here is the controller I built for the search API.
public class SearchAPIController : ApiController
// GET api/<controller>
[HttpGet, Route("webapi/careers/searchapi/")]
public IHttpActionResult SearchApi(string q, int page = 1, string type = "", string category = "", string nursecategory = "", string shift = "", string site = "", string org = "")
SearchResult results = null;
int skip = 0;
int take = 25;
if (page > 1)
skip = ((page - 1) * take);
q = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(q);
// Gets the search index
string indexes = "JobsIndex";
string extracondition = null;
extracondition += " +employmentType:" + "\"" + type.ToLower() + "\"";
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(site))
extracondition += " +pf_site:" + site.ToLower();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(category))
extracondition += " +FLD_JP_POSITION_CATEGORY:" + category.ToLower();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nursecategory))
extracondition += " +FLD_JP_NURSE_SPECIALTY_AREA:" + nursecategory.ToLower();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(shift))
extracondition += " +jpm_shift:" + shift.ToLower();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(org))
extracondition += $@" +hiringorganization:""{org.ToLower()}""";
var condition = new SearchCondition(extracondition, SearchModeEnum.AnyWordOrSynonyms, SearchOptionsEnum.FullSearch, null, true);
string searchCondition = SearchSyntaxHelper.CombineSearchCondition(q, condition);
if (indexes != null)
// Prepares the search parameters
SearchParameters parameters = new SearchParameters()
SearchFor = searchCondition,
SearchSort = "##SCORE##",
Path = "/%",
CurrentCulture = "EN-US",
DefaultCulture = CultureHelper.EnglishCulture.IetfLanguageTag,
CombineWithDefaultCulture = false,
CheckPermissions = false,
SearchInAttachments = false,
User = (UserInfo)MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser,
SearchIndexes = indexes,
StartingPosition = skip,
DisplayResults = 25,
NumberOfProcessedResults = 1000,
NumberOfResults = 0,
AttachmentWhere = String.Empty,
AttachmentOrderBy = String.Empty,
ClassNames = ""
results = SearchHelper.Search(parameters);
List<Job> jobsList = new List<Job>();
foreach (var job in results.Items)
var viewModel = new Job();
viewModel.title = job.Title;
viewModel.hiringOrganization = job.ResultData.ItemArray[7].ToString();
viewModel.site = job.ResultData.ItemArray[29].ToString();
viewModel.employmentType = job.ResultData.ItemArray[12].ToString();
viewModel.FLD_JP_DEPARTMENT = job.ResultData.ItemArray[26].ToString();
viewModel.jobLocationName = job.ResultData.ItemArray[15].ToString();
string final = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(jobsList);
return Json(jobsList);
Any ideas would be appreciated. I've been fighting with this for a bit longer than I would like to be. I'm guessing it's something small that I just don't understand with Kentico's implementation of Lucene.