Hi Kentico team,
we are planning to use single sign on authentication using azure ad with claims based authentication for this we have used the following configuration
identity provider url: https://login.microsoftonline.com/clientid/wsfed --> DirectoryId we have generated through azure portal
Security Realm : https://example.portal.com/
Allowed Audience Url : https://example.portal.com/
Trusted Certificate Thumb Print: certificate validator as : Chain trust
Document Referred : for the above steps https://devnet.kentico.com/articles/integrate-azure-active-directory-with-kentico
Question: 1.The certificate X.509 should be placed in the application side server or in the azure portal.
Currently we are facing this issue: we have added the x.509 certificate in the Server Side Application in the Manage computer Certificate -->Trusted People certificate store.
we tried to login to the application and observed that after authentication the application is continuously going in loop and redirecting with same blank page and it is not redirecting to home page.