List of images in site

Daniel Main asked on March 28, 2018 22:41

I am looking for help with the Kentico database.

Our client wants a listing of where various images and PDF's were placed in the site, I know I can query the media library for each site, but this will not tell me the specific locations the images are used. is there any assistance you might provide?

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on March 28, 2018 23:00

I suggst checking out a product Bizstream created which will do exactly what you want. Out of the box, there is nothing Kentico has which will allow you to get what you are looking for.

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Peter Mogilnitski answered on March 29, 2018 00:42 (last edited on March 29, 2018 03:25)

A crazy complicated ... it will require a lot of research though. Here is the idea: First get all the filenames i.e.:

SELECT  FileName + FileExtension, FileMimeType 
FROM Media_Library (NOLOCK)
JOIN Media_File ON LibraryID = FileLibraryID
WHERE FileMimeType  like '%image%'  or  FileMimeType  like '%pdf%'  
ORDER BY LibrarySiteID, LibraryName, FileName

You need to get all the tables where certain controls are in use, lets say images, files and attachments:

select ClassTableName, Convert(xml,ClassFormDefinition)  from CMS_Class  
ClassFormDefinition like '%<controlname>URLSelector</controlname>%' OR
ClassFormDefinition like '%<controlname>MediaSelectionControl</controlname>%' OR
ClassFormDefinition like '%<controlname>ImageSelectionControl</controlname>%' OR
ClassFormDefinition like '%<controlname>DirectUploadControl</controlname>%' OR
ClassFormDefinition like '%<controlname>DocumentAttachmentsControl</controlname>%' OR
ClassFormDefinition like '%<controlname>FileSelectionControl</controlname>%'

This above will give all the tables where you can have images.

ClassFormDefinition has simple XML syntax like :

  <field allowempty="true" column="ColumnName" .... >

you can extract all column names for given controls for given table. It might be a bit complex. I hope you DB is not too big I would rather go via all theses class tables and and manually created a query for each one them to extract the data:

-- most of kentico default ones operate with attachments
-- URL format is  /getattachment/<file GUID>/<filename><extension>
-- for example
SELECT  documentName, NodeAliasPath , attachmentguid, AttachmentName  
from dbo.View_CMS_Tree_Joined 
JOIN CONTENT_File on DocumentForeignKeyValue = fileid 
JOIN CMS_Attachment on AttachmentGUID =  FileAttachment

You might have path to image directly in field if URLSelector is use.

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Peter Mogilnitski answered on March 29, 2018 05:22 (last edited on March 29, 2018 05:23)

Well I dont know you DB set up, but you might as well check all varchar fields for presence any filename from media library:)

-- delete temp tables just in case
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#mediaTable', 'U') IS NOT NULL
  DROP TABLE #mediaTable; 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#result', 'U') IS NOT NULL
  DROP TABLE #result; 

-- get all library files
CREATE TABLE #mediaTable (MediaFileName NVARCHAR(200), FileMimeType NVARCHAR(20))
INSERT INTO #mediaTable (MediaFileName, FileMimeType )
SELECT  FileName + FileExtension, FileMimeType 
FROM Media_Library (NOLOCK)
JOIN Media_File ON LibraryID = FileLibraryID
WHERE FileMimeType  like '%image%'  or  FileMimeType  like '%pdf%'  

-- declare cursor
DECLARE @BusinessCursor as CURSOR;
DECLARE @ClassTableName as NVARCHAR(200);
DECLARE @IdColumn as NVARCHAR(200);

-- get all possible table into cursor
SET @BusinessCursor = CURSOR FOR
COLUMN_NAME, ClassTableName from CMS_Class  JOIN
ClassFormDefinition like '%<controlname>URLSelector</controlname>%' OR
ClassFormDefinition like '%<controlname>MediaSelectionControl</controlname>%' OR
ClassFormDefinition like '%<controlname>ImageSelectionControl</controlname>%' OR
ClassFormDefinition like '%<controlname>DirectUploadControl</controlname>%' OR
ClassFormDefinition like '%<controlname>DocumentAttachmentsControl</controlname>%' OR
ClassFormDefinition like '%<controlname>FileSelectionControl</controlname>%';

-- declare reustl table 
CREATE TABLE #result ([FileName] NVARCHAR(200), ClassTableName  NVARCHAR(200), ColumnName NVARCHAR(200), IdColumn NVARCHAR(200), IdColumnValue int)

OPEN @BusinessCursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM @BusinessCursor INTO @IdColumn, @COLUMN_NAME, @ClassTableName;
-- loop
 PRINT @COLUMN_NAME + ' ' + @ClassTableName;

 EXEC('insert into  #result (FileName, ClassTableName, ColumnName, IdColumn, IdColumnValue) 
 select MediaFileName,''' + @ClassTableName + ''',''' + @COLUMN_NAME + ''', ''' + @IdColumn + ''', ' + @IdColumn + ' 
 from ' + @ClassTableName + ' join #mediaTable on ' + @COLUMN_NAME + ' COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT like ''%'' + MediaFileName + ''%'' COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT')
 FETCH NEXT FROM @BusinessCursor INTO @IdColumn, @COLUMN_NAME, @ClassTableName;

CLOSE @BusinessCursor;
DEALLOCATE @BusinessCursor;

select * from #result
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Daniel Main answered on March 29, 2018 16:44

I am not sure your answers are going to help me.

Brenden Kehren: I will look at the tool after our next release, but it looks to only retrieve info for one searched item at a time. Peter Mogilnitski: Testing out your query now but, it looks like my DB may be a bit too large for it to run efficiently, also it just seems to be looking for the locations in the DB.

What I am looking for is essentially a way to map where in the sites the images and PDF's are presented, so the output would look something like:

Site Path media a /home pic1.jpg a /home pic2.jpg a /junk junk.pdf b /home pic1.jpg b /home pic2.jpg

etc... For some of the media I have somewhat figured things out, but for items that are being used as navigation images I cannot figure out how they get linked back to the page they get used on.

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Brenden Kehren answered on March 29, 2018 16:55

The Search tool will help. You can add multiple conditions to the search. For example:

Look in:

  • page templates
  • pages

For these paths:

  • /getmedia*
  • /getattachment*
  • /medialibrary*

Typically images are stored in the media library. You will either get the image with a relative url path (/medialibrary which is the codename of the site) or with other methods based on the way the file is stored in the page (could be an attachment or a file upload).

I'd suggest standing up a fresh Kentico install and adding the Search tool to it. Test it out and see if it does what you are looking for before you install it on your project. If you do or don't like it, simply delete the project and the database and you're done.

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Peter Mogilnitski answered on March 29, 2018 20:05

My query is meant to be run only once. it is inefficient, and yes it checks all varchar fields for presence of media library filename :) it might take sometime if DB is big but you run it once to make the report.

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