Last sign-in date is earlier than created date

chen yan asked on June 28, 2018 17:01

We found some users have the last sign-in date earlier than the created date. There's no custom code which modifies the two fields so what could be the reasons which causes this issue?

Recent Answers

Peter Mogilnitski answered on June 28, 2018 17:33

Just to confirm the field names: are you talking about UserCreated and LastLogon? select UserCreated, LastLogon, * from cms_user. It is really weird, but I would assume there is a mix between UTC and local times, but I haven't seen that. Probably you need to raise this issue with the support.

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chen yan answered on June 28, 2018 17:37

Yes, that was the two fields. And since they are also a years difference, so it wouldn't be a time zone issue. but thank you for your thought on this!

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Peter Mogilnitski answered on June 28, 2018 17:42

If you create brand new user and login - you don't have this issue. Have you done any importing/exporting users? may be a migration of accounts from different source?

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chen yan answered on June 28, 2018 17:50

Yeah, we checked this possibility too. Nothing related to importing modified the fields. and on other hand, I wouldn't imagine updating users in any sort would change the created date to a later date but leave the last logon being earlier.

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Brenden Kehren answered on June 28, 2018 20:10

If no custom code is in place, then it has to do with one or may of the items below:

  • date/time setting on the server
  • settings within Kentico for time zones
  • load balancer configuration (if applicable)

Things to do:

  • Verify your servers date/time is set properly
  • Verify your load balancer's date/time is configured properly
  • Verify settings within Kentico - see article, related to Azure but gives you an idea
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