We are using Kentico 12 version for our admin and live website development. We wanted to check if there is any setting in Kentico admin, which will allow users to temporarily unmask the password when resetting the password.
Thanks! Namita Patil
I am afraid but this is not possible. Otherwise when someone would break into your DB they will be able to easily decrypt the passwords. Unless you will save the password somewhere in plain text - but this is not very wise and safe. That being said, there is no such a setting since it is not possible to decrypt the password.
Hi Namita,
By "unmask" do you mean a small checkbox usually placed near the password field on the frontend of password reset page, something like "Show password"?
Hey Dmitry - that is good point. I was thinking that unmasking means showing the old password. (facepalm) :-) but your comment makes much more sense! In this case it should be matter of adding some custom JS code, right?
Hey Juraj, yes, exactly, just put an additional checkbox onto \CMSPages\ResetPassword.aspx and switch the edit mode from password to normal text via JS or backend code if you'd prefer so.
Not to view old password, rather while adding new password - if there is some general functionality provided by Kentico - where we check the checkbox for View password if needed.
I am afraid but there are no settings. You need to customize the behavior as described e.g. in Dmitry's post above.
Thanks Juraj and Dmitry!
Just wanted to check if this functionality is available in Kentico 13 by any chance?
No, there were not made any changes in this regards.
Thanks for the updates Juraj! Very helpful!
Namita Patil
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