Kentico Smart Search functionality using custom table

Amit Kasundra asked on August 6, 2014 08:41


I am facing problem with Kentico smart search functionality

Problem: Search doesn't work. Sometime getting result but when click on link system navigating on same page instead of actual page where I have registered web part.

Here is the complete process that I have followed.

  1. Created custom table.
  2. Using custom table, bind data grid in ascx web control (Binding grid from back-end)
  3. Define new index using custom table and rebuild it.
  4. Added Search dialog with result web part on the page.
  5. In Search index property, selected newly define index.
  6. Using my custom web part. I have added some records in custom table.
  7. Search content through smart search but it showing me all records or sometime shows no record found.
  8. After getting result when I click on link, system navigating on same page instead on actual page where my custom web part registered.

Does anyone have idea about this problem. Please post answer soon.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks with Regards, Amit Kasundra

Correct Answer

Brenden Kehren answered on August 7, 2014 04:43


Are the search properties set on the custom table?

Have you built the index?

Check your properties in the index to make sure you aren't filtering out anything or your search type is right.

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Recent Answers

Amit Kasundra answered on August 7, 2014 06:17

Thank you Brenden, for your prompt reply.

Yes, I have set search properties on the custom table and also built the index.

I noticed, there was a problem in search index.

I did change in search type from Simple to Subset and rebuild the index. Now, search functionality working fine.

But still, when I click on searched result, system navigating on same page instead on actual page where I have register web part.


There are ten different page in my website.

Webpage1, Webpage2, .......Webpage10

I have registered my web part in Webpage10 and Smart search web part in Webpage1, then searched with one keyword, I got 3 results, now click on searched result link from Webpage1, system should navigate on Webpage10 instead of on Webpage1

If anyone have idea about this problem. Please post answer soon.

Thanks with regards,

Amit Kasundra

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Brenden Kehren answered on August 7, 2014 13:18

Not quite understanding what the issue is with the navigation. Your search box webpart is on Webpage1 and your results webpart is on Webpage10? If so, the search box webpart has a property to set for the location of the results, you will need to set that to /Webpage10. Otherwise the search box will simply post back the same page and add the search URL parameters to that page vs. redirecting to the other page.

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Amit Kasundra answered on August 11, 2014 08:45


Thank you for your quick response.

I mean, I have created one custom web part and it contains grid with custom table source data.

This web part, I have registered in Webpage10.

In Webpage1 I have registered smart search web part. While search, getting three records and when click on result link, What I wish to do is:

System should navigate on that web page where my custom web part registered (i.e. Webpage10) not on same page.

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