Kentico Pricing

BrysonParker BrysonParker asked on March 28, 2020 10:40

How does Kentico justify it's pricing? I've been using it for years now (since version 5) and was thinking of doing my own side company, but at $15,000 for a base CMS license, I couldn't afford that and definitely couldn't try to sell that to a potential customer and somehow develop a site in it to make money for myself.

Does Kentico only target fortune 500 companies now, because those are the only companies that I could see that could find value in it.

Please don't take this as a slam against Kentico, I really love the platform. I'm just trying to wrap my head around how companies can afford it.

Recent Answers

Mark Fleischer answered on March 30, 2020 15:25

Thanks for the inquiry BrysonParker!

All great questions that are fair to be asked. As you know, prior to this year it has been quite sometime since our last increase of pricing and we felt it was time to align with market trends in the DXP space. With the changed, we also introduced a subscription license which has a lower upfront cost than the perpetual license which includes unlimited hosting, consistent year over year pricing and a Kentico Kontent subscription. You can find information on the subscription linked here .

Overall we have found companies of all shapes and sizes finding value in both our perpetual license offering and also the new subscription, not just the largest companies on the market. We also have a very active partner network and a strong partner program which you can find more information on here. If you would like to explore the program more in depth or walk through our licensing options I would be happy to discuss further.


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Brenden Kehren answered on March 30, 2020 18:27


There is still a free option and a new subscription option which is actually a very compariable value year after year. I'd suggest applying to become a Kentico Partner. You get special pricing, free keys (at different partner levels), and multiple other benefits. While I've been working with Kentico as long or longer than you, I too was not happy with the price changes but it's what Kentico needs to do to move forward with technology and business.

Any questions, let me know.

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