This issue I am trying to work around is that currently our newsletter program makes a html online viewable document for each newsletter we make and adds a "view online" link to the mailing, with out having the need for someone to create a separate html page and then link to it after they make the newsletter.
This could be my limited understanding but if we wanted to use Dynamic newsletters with the source page having to be the same that would require them rebuild the source page for each newsletter and if they did that the view online link in any older mailings would no long link back to that "issue". Is this thinking correct?
With the regular newsletter the user would need to make the html page then create a new issue adding in the htlm link and then adding all the content to the issue.
I was just trying to find out if there was a more effective way to achieve the "view online" feature we have now with having to create the page and the newsletter each time.
Thanks again for your time and advice.