A Catalog Discount can apply a discount across the entire Product line, and may be what you are looking for.
In the Catalog Discount, set your Discount of 25% you can edit the "Apply To" and then use the macro editor to find the right ones.
Such as
SKU.IsProductOption && SKU.SKUOptionCategory.CategoryName = "TheSkuCategoryName"
That should allow you to apply rules to those Product Options.
Does that help? The only downside is it isn't a "Coupon" based discount. If you need to do the coupon approach, make a product coupon, apply it to all the products that use this product option (or just apply to all), and write a custom override, see below:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Override
/// </summary>
public class CustomCouponInfoProvider : CMS.Ecommerce.DiscountCouponInfoProvider
protected override double CalculateUnitDiscountInternal(CMS.Ecommerce.ShoppingCartItemInfo item, CMS.Ecommerce.DiscountCouponInfo discount, double basePrice = 0)
if (discount.DiscountCouponCode == "DiscountOnProductOption" && item.IsProductOption && item.SKU.SKUOptionCategory.CategoryName == "TheOptionCategory")
// applies
return (discount.DiscountCouponIsFlatValue ? item.CartItemPrice - discount.DiscountCouponValue : item.CartItemPrice*(1-discount.DiscountCouponValue));
} else {
// Doesn't apply
return item.CartItemPrice;