We are running into an issue when attempting to export a Kentico 10 web site. The symptoms are identical to what is described here:
We determined that there was two field names that were shared between custom objects by executing the following SQL query (pulled from the above article) against the database:
SELECt name, count(*) as countX
Select s.name
,sh.name+'.'+o.name AS ObjectName
,o.type_desc AS ObjectType
WHEN t.name IN ('char','varchar') THEN t.name+'('+CASE WHEN s.max_length<0 then 'MAX' ELSE CONVERT(varchar(10),s.max_length) END+')'
WHEN t.name IN ('nvarchar','nchar') THEN t.name+'('+CASE WHEN s.max_length<0 then 'MAX' ELSE CONVERT(varchar(10),s.max_length/2) END+')'
WHEN t.name IN ('numeric') THEN t.name+'('+CONVERT(varchar(10),s.precision)+','+CONVERT(varchar(10),s.scale)+')'
ELSE t.name
END AS DataType
WHEN s.is_nullable=1 THEN 'NULL'
END AS Nullable
WHEN ic.column_id IS NULL THEN ''
ELSE ' identity('+ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(10),ic.seed_value),'')+','+ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(10),ic.increment_value),'')+')='+ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(10),ic.last_value),'null')
WHEN sc.column_id IS NULL THEN ''
ELSE ' computed('+ISNULL(sc.definition,'')+')'
WHEN cc.object_id IS NULL THEN ''
ELSE ' check('+ISNULL(cc.definition,'')+')'
AS MiscInfo
FROM sys.columns s
INNER JOIN sys.types t ON s.system_type_id=t.user_type_id and t.is_user_defined=0
INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON s.object_id=o.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas sh on o.schema_id=sh.schema_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.identity_columns ic ON s.object_id=ic.object_id AND s.column_id=ic.column_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.computed_columns sc ON s.object_id=sc.object_id AND s.column_id=sc.column_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.check_constraints cc ON s.object_id=cc.parent_object_id AND s.column_id=cc.parent_column_id
WHERE o.name LIKE 'custom_%' and o.name not like 'customtable%'
) as X
group by name
order by countX desc
We promptly changed the field names to absolve the conflict. However, the "Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier" error persists. What are we missing here?
Thanks so much for your assistance.