K13: Cache items not showing up in debug

Rory Aherne asked on November 25, 2024 12:26

Hi, I'm on v13.0.154. I'm trying to debug my output cache but the cache items don't show up:

Image Text

The code used to generate the cache is here:

public async Task<IEnumerable<ListableDocumentRollupItemModel>> GetListableDocumentRollupItemsAsync(string path, IEnumerable<string> categories, IEnumerable<string> categoriesExclude, string classNames, int maxRelativeLevel, int topN, string orderBy, int page, int pageSize)

    var categoriesStr = "";
    if (categories != null)
        categoriesStr = string.Join(";", categories);
    path = path.TrimEndForPath();

    var builder = new CacheDependencyKeysBuilder(_siteRepository, _cacheDependenciesStore);
    builder.PagePath(path, PathTypeEnum.Children);

    var retriever = await _pageRetriever.RetrieveMultipleAsync(
        query => {
            .Page(page, pageSize)
            .OrderBy(GetOrderBy(orderBy, classNames));
        cacheSettings => cacheSettings
            .Dependencies((items, csbuilder) => builder.ApplyDependenciesTo(dependencyItem => csbuilder.Custom(dependencyItem)))

    return retriever.Select(x => _mapper.Map<ListableDocumentRollupItemModel>(x));

Recent Answers

Juraj Ondrus answered on November 25, 2024 12:48

I would recommend applying the latest hotfix. Then, make sure you are using valid, trusted SSL certificate and that you are using HTTPS protocol for the front end and admin URLs. Have you also checked these threads yet?

Viewing Cache Items for the LIVE Site
Viewing cache items in MVC site - Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure

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Rory Aherne answered on November 28, 2024 14:15

@Juraj I updated to the latest hotfix and the issue persists. On closer inspection, it only seems to exist for _pageRetriever.RetrieveMultipleAsync. I can see the objects when I call _pageRetriever.RetrieveAsync

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Juraj Ondrus answered on December 4, 2024 07:12

Would it be possible to provide some more detailed steps, proof of concept how to reproduce the issue using an out of the box installation, please? I do not know the other details and context of your code and we have the Dancing Goat project available on our end. So, to look into this further we need to know how to reliable reproduce the issue on our end so we can debug it. Thanks!

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