K12 MVC Widget Property sections

Alex Golebiewski asked on April 25, 2019 00:07

Is there a way to add a section for widget properties like you can in ASPX template mode?

Correct Answer

David te Kloese answered on April 26, 2019 10:55

That would unfortunately not be possible out of the box right now. It would need to be custom build.

You just mention categories... what would be your use case? Would you just need to group a number of properties? Because you could just add an empty property that would just render your category heading.

If you would need to collapse groups that would be, as Dmitry mentioned, quite complex and not guaranteed to be future proof at this time.

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Recent Answers

David te Kloese answered on April 25, 2019 10:11

Do you mean the properties window? like:

Image Text

check this blog on how to set that up:


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Dmitry Bastron answered on April 25, 2019 10:27

Hi Alex,

Do you mean these collapsable categories for sorting widget properties?

Image Text

I was unable to find a way to add this. As a workaround, you can create a custom MVC Form Control which will display the category name without drawing some extra controls but making it collapsable will be tricky I guess.

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Alex Golebiewski answered on April 25, 2019 16:50

David, yes in that window I want to be able to add widget property sections like Dmitry shows in the image he pasted.

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Alex Golebiewski answered on April 26, 2019 16:42

Thanks guys, that's what I was thinking I would have to do but wanted to make sure before taking the time to do this.

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