Upgraded from 10 to 11, when I try to view the site locally https://localhost:44349/ I get a message:
Either the website is stopped or the requested domain name is not configured for any website: https://localhost:443/ If you're an administrator of this site, you need to go to Sites and make sure the following domain name is configured either in the site properties or a domain alias of a running web site: localhost:443
I went to Sites and added both localhost:44349 and localhost:443 as a domain alias with no luck.
I pushed the site to our QA server and everything runs fine.
You need to generate localhost domain license and add into licenses application as a new license from CMS Admin interface. And add this as a domain alias from Sites-> Domain aliases
Did the upgrade succeed?
Were there any errors?
Is there a app_offline.html file at the root of your site?
Do you have proper license keys for version 11?
No errors, builds fine. Like I said I pushed the same files to QA and have no issues there.
Created a V11 license key for QA and localhost(though I don't believe I need a separate one for localhost).
No, I do not have a app_offline.html file
Thanks for the info. The domain localhost:44349 is different than localhost from a license key standpoint. I'd suggest trying to run localhost on your machine in IIS and see if you run into the same issue or not.
Adding domain alias of localhost seems to work, I've always added it with the port but for some reason it just wanted localhost this time.
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