How to work with web part's "Use update panel" property from api?

Targutai Yesugei asked on July 28, 2017 05:18


Didn't find this in api examplex, so asking you for a help, thanks in advance.

SetValue("UseUpdatePanel", true)

seems doesn't work

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on July 28, 2017 05:45

Assuming you're working in webpart code, have you tried something as simple as this.UseUpdatePanel = true;?

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Targutai Yesugei answered on July 28, 2017 06:49

No, WebPartInstance class' instance doesn't have any similar method

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Targutai Yesugei answered on July 28, 2017 08:10

Nevermind, SetValue("UseUpdatePanel", true) actually works, sorry for disturbing

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