How to skip parents node in css list menu?

Hanh Dang asked on January 5, 2016 04:02

Hi all,

I have a documents tree which has some nodes are not shown in css list menu, but their child nodes are. So, can we skip parents node in css list menu. Example:

Documents tree:


-- Node A

-- Node B

----- Node B1 (Skip this node)

-------- Node B11

-------- Node B12

----- Node B2 (Skip this node)

-------- Node B21

-------- Node B22

Css list menu should be:

-- Node A

-- Node B

----- Node B11

----- Node B12

----- Node B21

----- Node B22

Thank all!

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on January 5, 2016 04:36

I'd use a Universal Viewer vs. CSS List Menu, you have a lot more control. In this case, I believe you can check the hide in menu option in Properties>Navigation on the page and it should do the trick but not sure if it will allow the children to display.

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Hanh Dang answered on January 5, 2016 05:07

I have tried your way but no lucky. Once parents are not displayed, children are not.

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David te Kloese answered on January 5, 2016 10:40 (last edited on January 5, 2016 10:43)


what properties did you set on your Universal Viewer? Since Brendens Solution works for me.

Just set the Where condition to DocumentMenuItemHideInNavigation = 0 Image Text

Hope this helps.



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Hanh Dang answered on January 11, 2016 09:08 (last edited on January 13, 2016 02:12)

Hi David,

Yes, The children could be displayed by using Universal Viewer. But how can I create a navigation bar with below format:

    <li>Node A</li>    
    <li>Node B    
            <li>Node B11</li>            
            <li>Node B12</li>                        
            <li>Node B21</li>
            <li>Node B22</li>            

I added a Header Transformation & Footer Transformation (or First Item Transformation & Last Item Transformation) into the Viewer but it render a incorrect format

    <li>Node A</li>    
    <li>Node B</li>      
    <li>Node B11</li>            
    <li>Node B12</li>                        
    <li>Node B21</li>
    <li>Node B22</li>

Item transformation

<li><%# Eval("NodeName") %></li>

Header Transformation


Footer Transformation


Child nodes were not displayed since using Hierarchical Transformation

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