How to localize message board form?

Alexander Toups asked on March 23, 2015 14:34

I need to display a message board form on my website in local language. But the labels in the form are all in english. Is there a way to localize the form?

Correct Answer

Brenden Kehren answered on March 23, 2015 14:52

You'll need to know the key names for the labels to apply overrides for them. Once you learn those key names you can enter new values in the Localization app. You can start by looking in the /CMSModules/MessageBoards/ directory for the keys for localization. A few I see right off hand are


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Alexander Toups answered on March 24, 2015 11:30

Hi Branden, thanks a lot for the hint. It's exatly what I've been looking for. The only thing: I'm unsure where to find those keys. You mentioned I should look them up in /CMSModules/MessageBoards/. Do you mean directly on source file level (Visual studio)? Or can I find them in the modules application?

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Brenden Kehren answered on March 24, 2015 12:35

You'd have to look at the controls source code within that directory. You'll find code like so rfvEmailRequired.ErrorMessage = GetString("board.subscription.noemail");

I should mention there are .resx files within the system which is where these default resource strings are created and stored BUT when you use the Localization app and add the same key, the key value you store in the Localization app takes priority over the value in the .resx file. So always best to use the Localization app to override the defaults so you're not changing the base code.

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