The easiest way is to create a new link to the pages in CMS Desk by defining a new UI element. In this example we will use the UI Cultures module as an example. At first, navigate to CMSModules/UICultures in your project folder. Please find all the *.cs files in the subfolders and change the inheritance of the pages from SiteManagerPage to CMSModalPage. Now, create a new element in CMS Site Manager / Development / Modules / CMS Desk / User Interface. Here add a new element with the following properties:
Display name: UI Cultures
Code name: UICulturesCMSDesk
Parent element: CMS Desk
Elemet is custom: true
Caption: UI Cultures
Target URL: ~/CMSModules/UICultures/Pages/Development/UICultures_Default.aspx
Now, when accessing CMS Desk a new UI element should be available with the caption “UI Cultures”.