How can I use Custom Table in my MVC application ?

Nelson Nebre asked on April 25, 2016 11:16

I've created a website with an entry form for their pets( Pet Name, Age, Pet Type ) and then on the admin side I want to display the list of entries. And my problem was this, I cannot import the CMS.CustomTables namespace in my project so I cannot use Custom Table API. This is first time I use Kentico and the company requirements was to use MVC to all the websites created in Kentico CMS and the CMS version was 8.2. Is there another solution to my problem ? Please help me solve this problem.

Recent Answers

David te Kloese answered on April 25, 2016 11:28


perhaps a good idea to have a look at the new Kentico Sample Site provided via Github:

this is full of examples that might help you.


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Chetan Sharma answered on April 25, 2016 21:35 (last edited on April 25, 2016 21:53)

ÀFAIK, custom tables are nothing but database tables and Kentico has built API'S TO get data from custom tables.

Considering these two facts. I think you are all set to do that.

Did you face any challenge doing so?

Got these two links for you.

  1. MVC code for Dancing goat website

  1. Basics of MVC


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Nelson Nebre answered on April 26, 2016 03:39

I've created a website with an entry form for their pets( Pet Name, Age, Pet Type ) and then on the admin side I want to display the list of entries. And my problem was this, I cannot import the CMS.CustomTables namespace in my project so I cannot use Custom Table API. This is first time I use Kentico and the company requirements was to use MVC to all the websites created in Kentico CMS and the CMS version was 8.2. Is there another solution to my problem ? Please help me solve this problem.

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