Hide the page from appearing on search engings

Nancy Kh asked on December 9, 2014 01:58

There is a webpage that doesn't appear on the website however it appears on the google search engine. is there any way so I can make the page hidden and not available on the google search engine at all. thanks

Recent Answers

Nancy Kh answered on December 9, 2014 02:00

correct the above, How to hide a web page from appearing on the search engine.

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John Fu answered on December 9, 2014 04:30

Editing your robots.txt file is probably the easiest.

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Juraj Ondrus answered on December 9, 2014 10:09


If you are using the web part, you can manage this also on the particular page's Properties -> Navigation tab, in the Search and SEO section.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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