Get custom field from page type using a macro

jeff McDaniel asked on August 2, 2017 23:24

Hi all,

I have a collection of page types with a "website" field.

Is it possible to get this value using a macro? The GetValue("website") expression is returning null.

I know in a transformation I can do Eval("Website"), I was looking for something similar outside of a transformation.

Thanks, Jeff

Recent Answers

Zach Perry answered on August 2, 2017 23:30

Are you using CurrentDocument.GetValue("website") -- assuming the macro is on the page with the field?

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jeff McDaniel answered on August 3, 2017 22:38

Hi Zachm

I was hoping to get the value of a child page of the current document.


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Zach Perry answered on August 3, 2017 22:47 (last edited on December 10, 2019 02:31)

Not sure if this is the correct syntax, but it should be something similar to one of these:

{% Documents.WithAllData[CurrentDocument.Children[0].NodeAliasPath].GetValue("Website") |(identity)GlobalAdministrator%}
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Peter Mogilnitski answered on August 4, 2017 01:47 (last edited on August 4, 2017 01:49)


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