FormLabel hide colon

Yehuda Lando asked on June 10, 2014 12:27


I made an alternate form for the user class for registration. In it, I define a FormLabel like this: <cms:FormLabel runat="server" ID="lLastName" Field="LastName" Text="Last Name" DisplayColon="False"/> But it still show the colon after the text ("Last Name:"). Is there another way to hide it?

Recent Answers

Martin Danko answered on October 1, 2014 17:12

Hello Yehuda,

Not sure what version of Kentico are you using but I've tested it with version 7 and it's working fine:

<cms:FormLabel ID="test" runat="server" EnableViewState="false" Text="test" DisplayColon="false" />

try to use lowercase characters for "false" and try to re-load the page using CTRL+F5.

Best regards, Martin

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