Finding the author of page aliases

Tim Valdez asked on May 9, 2024 23:53

Is there a way to expose the creator/editor/author of whomever created a page alias? I'm looking at the list of aliases in the CMS and see a huge amount of stupidity -- such as linking to Containers, and other aliases that I didn't set up. Our security is set properly I think, but seeing who set up each alias would be very helpful.

Correct Answer

Juraj Ondrus answered on May 13, 2024 05:08

Ohhh you are using MVC development model. So the Properties menu is bit different but the answer is the same - the page aliases are not versioned, so you need to either look up the changes in the Event log or in the SQL transaction logs.

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Recent Answers

Juraj Ondrus answered on May 10, 2024 06:04

You mean like the page aliases on the Properties -> URLs tab, right? These data are not versioned, so there is no record in the version history. The only way would be tracking down the Event log records for the document update or, checking the transaction logs on the SQL server.

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Tim Valdez answered on May 10, 2024 16:15

The Page Alias option for a page:

I need to know who used that option and set up an alias for a webpage.

The entry window looks like this:

If it makes an entry in the Log then what would I search on to find it there?

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