Event Calendar

Leann Chowdhury asked on February 8, 2016 23:48

Hi There,

I am trying to filter the event calendar to differentiate between events and meetings so to do this is there an easy way of colour coding the meetings so the events stand out as a different sort of event. And do you know if it is possible to link these courses in imis so they are configured in kentico.

I hope this makes sense any help greatly appreciated.

Cheers Leann

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on February 9, 2016 05:31

You can categorize them using the out of the box taxonomy engine. Then in your transformation check to see if that document is part of a specific category and set a css class to an html element.

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Leann Chowdhury answered on February 9, 2016 05:37

Thanks Brenden I will look into it

Cheers Leann

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emma zelewsky answered on February 10, 2016 18:04

Hi Leann,

You might consider creating a custom page type based on the CMS.BookingEvent to add fields that better suit your situation (or add fields to the existing page type). If you add an EventCategory field, then you can grab that in the transformation and use it to apply a different CSS class, like Brenden suggests. Something like <div class="category-<%# Eval("EventCategory") %>">

Again depending on your needs, you may want to expand EventLocation with proper address fields (address, city, state, ZIP) to take advantage of the Google Maps webpart on your event listing page. The stock BookingEvent was too sparse for our site, and we about doubled the number of fields with a new page type.

Not sure about the IMIS side, but maybe there's an RSS, webservice or API you could leverage in Kentico.

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