Error loading the Web Part xxx of type yyy

Brian uytyi asked on March 12, 2019 06:04

I upgraded site from Kentico 8.2.4 to Kentico 8.2.5. After the upgrade for some custom Web Parts which used to be displayed well an error message appeared "Error loading the Web Part xxx of type yyy.

I make sure the files are in the WebParts folder, as it is usually a common problem for this type error. But it seems the files are all there as is the path in the database. Any suggestions what could have gone wrong and where to look for answers.

Recent Answers

Roman Hutnyk answered on March 12, 2019 08:57 (last edited on March 12, 2019 10:55)

Do you see any extra details in events log?

Are there any other projects within your solution those are being referenced by web parts? - Have you rebuilt those project with updated Kentico dll references?

I'd start from a simple thing like clearing Kentico cache, restarting Kentico, restarting the app on IIS, clearing ASP.NET temporary files etc.

Another thing to try is to register the same web part in Kentico for the second time and try to use it.

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Rui Wang answered on March 12, 2019 16:42

Just a side not, 8.2.X > 8.2.Y is hotfix, not an upgrade. Why did you do a single version of hotfix in stead of hotfix to the final version 8.2.50.

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Eric Dugre answered on March 14, 2019 13:24

Are you seeing these errors for built-in Kentico web parts, or only custom ones? Are there any .new files in your project's filesystem?

What is the full stack trace of the error, found in Kentico's Event log?

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