I have setup an Unsubscribe Page for an e-mail marketing campaign in Kentico 11. The e-mail template substitutes in the unsubscribe link using {% UnsubscriptionLink %}. The e-mail campaign sets the unsubscribe link as ~/Newsletter-Unsubscribe.aspx (which is the correct relative url). Setting the Base Url does not have any impact.
No matter what I try, the unsubscribe link goes through a Redirect handler. For example (I removed the real email address and the domain from the link for this post)
The link does not unsubscribe the user. It redirects the user to the home page. It looks like I'm following the documentation correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Jon, the macro for email marketing unsubscribe link should be {% EmailFeed.UnsubscribeFromEmailFeedUrl |(identity)GlobalAdministrator%}
{% EmailFeed.UnsubscribeFromEmailFeedUrl |(identity)GlobalAdministrator%}
The macro you are using is the old one for newsletters.
That fixed it, thank you.
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