If you want all pages to be visible for a user, but only specific one to be expanded as default page, you can change it in '/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/Default.aspx' this file, to set default values for your new page in these properties:
private int ExpandNodeID
return QueryHelper.GetInteger("expandnodeid", 7);
private int SelectedNodeID
return ValidationHelper.GetInteger(Request.Params["selectedNodeId"], 7);
Where, in my case, '7' is node id of desired page. Keep in mind, that generally it's bad to make code changes directly in the source (you will lost your change with new hotfix, or kentico upgrade), so you may find better approach for this change (f.e. customization of module).
If you want to show page as default, but hide all others (to make that page as new root), you can handle it with premissions, or with 'Starting alias path' field on users 'General' tab per each user.