Custom table don't show column Name after Upgrade to Kentico 8

giang le asked on January 20, 2015 08:16

Hi all,

After I upgraded to Kentico 8 successful, the custom table don't show column name in List and View. Please see image below:

Image Text

Image Text

Thank you!

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on January 20, 2015 13:12

When you upgraded, did you apply any hotfixes or just the vanilla version of 8.0?

Have you tried clearing your cache on the server and your browser?

Are you receiving any errors in your event log?

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Sandro Jankovic answered on January 20, 2015 16:09

In addition to the questions Brenden posted, please clarify which version the instance was originally running and did you run the application after upgrading, or did you apply a hotfix or another upgrade immediately?

Also, please try opening the field editor for the custom table, select one of the fields and press save. This should regenerate the class definition in case the issue is there.

If this does not resolve the issue, could you please share the code for the Custom Table Unigrid? It can be found under /CMSModules/CustomTables/CustomTable_List.aspx.

Best Regards,

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giang le answered on January 23, 2015 09:59

@Brenden Kehren:
- I applied hotfix 8.1.12 after upgrade to 8.0
- I cleared cache
- There are not any errors in eventlog.
@Sandro Jankovic: I checked the code for the Custom table (/CMSModules/CustomTables/Control/CustomTableDataList.ascx) and (/CMSModules/CustomTables/Control/CustomTableViewItem.ascx). I figure out problem in there.

In Kentico 7, I didn't enable editing for some fields of custom table so these fields don't have "Field Caption" and in Kentico 8, Column Name is displayed base on "fieldCaption" and because they are null so Column Name is empty.

We changed the code:


change from

fieldCaption = (caption == string.Empty) ? column : ResHelper.LocalizeString(caption);


fieldCaption = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(caption)) ? column : ResHelper.LocalizeString(caption);


change from

fieldCaption = ResHelper.LocalizeString(ffi.Caption);


fieldCaption = ResHelper.LocalizeString(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ffi.Caption) ? ffi.Caption : ffi.Name);

and it work well.

Thank all GiangLT3

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