Can anyone point me in the right direction, I have a custom logon form and it authenticates a user correctly and seems to be working fine but won't redirect to the admin interface. The redirect goes to /Admin/CMSAdministration.aspx. Why if authenticated, won't it redirect to the admin user interface for that user?
Authenticate Method in LogonForm web part
if (MFAuthenticationHelper.IsMultiFactorRequiredForUser(userName))
var plcPasscodeBox = Login1.FindControl("plcPasscodeBox");
var plcLoginInputs = Login1.FindControl("plcLoginInputs");
var txtPasscode = Login1.FindControl("txtPasscode") as CMSTextBox;
if (txtPasscode == null)
if (plcPasscodeBox == null)
if (plcLoginInputs == null)
// Handle passcode
var passcode = txtPasscode.Text;
txtPasscode.Text = String.Empty;
var provider = new CMSMembershipProvider();
// Validate username and password
if (plcLoginInputs.Visible)
if (provider.MFValidateCredentials(userName, Login1.Password))
// Show passcode screen
plcLoginInputs.Visible = false;
plcPasscodeBox.Visible = true;
// Validate passcode
if (provider.MFValidatePasscode(userName, passcode))
e.Authenticated = true;
var isValid = Membership.Provider.ValidateUser(userName, Login1.Password);
e.Authenticated = isValid;
Logged in method in LogonForm web part
// Ensure response cookie
// Set cookie expiration
if (Login1.RememberMeSet)
CookieHelper.ChangeCookieExpiration(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, DateTime.Now.AddYears(1), false);
// Extend the expiration of the authentication cookie if required
if (!AuthenticationHelper.UseSessionCookies && (HttpContext.Current != null) && (HttpContext.Current.Session != null))
CookieHelper.ChangeCookieExpiration(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(Session.Timeout), false);
// Current username
var userName = Login1.UserName;
// Get info on the authenticated user
var ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfoForSitePrefix(userName, SiteContext.CurrentSite);
var siteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;
// For site prefix user, authenticate manually
if (ui != null)
if (UserInfoProvider.UserNameSitePrefixEnabled(siteName) && UserInfoProvider.IsSitePrefixedUser(ui.UserName))
AuthenticationHelper.AuthenticateUser(ui.UserName, Login1.RememberMeSet);
// Check whether safe user name is required and if so get safe username
else if (RequestHelper.IsMixedAuthentication() && UserInfoProvider.UseSafeUserName)
userName = ValidationHelper.GetSafeUserName(userName, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);
if (UserInfoProvider.UserNameSitePrefixEnabled(siteName))
// Check for site prefix
ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfoForSitePrefix(userName, SiteContext.CurrentSite);
if (ui != null)
userName = ui.UserName;
AuthenticationHelper.AuthenticateUser(userName, Login1.RememberMeSet);
// Set culture
var drpCulture = (CMSDropDownList)Login1.FindControl("drpCulture");
if (drpCulture != null)
var selectedCulture = drpCulture.SelectedValue;
// Not the default culture
if (selectedCulture != "")
// Update the user
if (ui != null)
ui.PreferredUICultureCode = selectedCulture;
// Update current user
MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.PreferredUICultureCode = selectedCulture;
// Return url is not specified or is relative path or hash is valid
Thank you,