The value is 111,111. How do we wite currency format string to show the above value. After 3 number we have a comma to read the value easily. amount is: 1111.00---> currency formating sring:{0.00} amount is: 1,111.00---->currency formating sring:????
Take the value and do this:
int val = 111111; string formattedval = val.ToString("C");
formattedval will contain $111,111
thanks but i use online ecommerce application-->store setting-->currencies. Can you explain how to use this sections to reach the above format? is posssible this subject with out writing code?
I use {0:N3} for currency format string that solve the problem but show 3 decimal. how to hide decimal section? value=1111 currency formatting string -->{0:N3} the value shown 1,111.000 now how to disable the decimal digit?
Nobody to answer me?
{0:0,0} is the perfect answer.
what else do you want? It seems that you already answered your question.
thanks. yes I reached to correct answer.
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