ContinuesIntegration.exe taken more than 2 hours for execution

Northern Lights asked on June 10, 2020 16:48

I have setup automated build in azure git repository and configure Kentico CIRepository. But ContinuesIntegration.exe have taken more than 2 hours to complete the build process. I have check in my local, ContinuesIntegration.exe is taken only 3 to 4 min to update the database.

I am new to Kentico CMS. May be i have missed somthing. How to reduce the ContinuesIntegration.exe execution time in Azure?

Recent Answers

David te Kloese answered on June 11, 2020 09:39


How much data is in your CI folder? When serializing your data Kentico stores a record in the DB which includes a hash specific to that environment. The restore tool uses that to quickly assess if it needs to update a record. Meaning locally it will quickly see what you've altered.

Likely you're target doesn't have those records or the hash mismatches, forcing the CI tool to check each and every single file as it might have changed.

Try limiting the amount of files you need or match the hashes.

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Brenden Kehren answered on June 11, 2020 16:42

What version are you working with?

What type of project are you using? Website or Web App?

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Northern Lights answered on June 15, 2020 17:30

Hi David

Database don't have much records. Where i need to check the hash mismatch for records?

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Northern Lights answered on June 15, 2020 17:33

Hi Brenden,

I am using Kentico12 MVC and website project.

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