We have recently upgraded from 7 to latest 9. We are receiving "Feature ContactManagement is not available" in the event log when a users logs into one of our sites (not into the cmsdesk or sitemanager). I am wondering why the error if the same features we had in 7 are available in 9.0.50? I wouldn't think we would have to upgrade to the EMS for a simple login feature.
Also, we currently use newsletters and track opens and link clicks (as this was a feature of 7). Am I to understand this is not available in 9.0.50 now and that we would need to upgrade to the EMS?
Feature List
Contact Mangement requires an EMS License. You might want to check and make sure something isn't turned on in Settings > On-Line Marketing > Contact Management
Couple quick questions
As you upgraded, did you run the site between each hotfix/upgrade?
Did you resign all your macros? Sometimes that is the case.
Do you have any event logs we can look at?
Newsletters were basically renamed to Email Marketing, which doesn't require EMS to use.
Yes. Yes.
Event ID: 365371 Event type: Warning Event time: 1/23/2017 4:49:12 PM Source: ContactManagement Event code: LICENSELIMITATION User ID: 15464 User name: ***@healthwise.org IP address:
Description: Feature ContactManagement is not available. Machine name: RD000D3A304BE4 Event URL: /Login.aspx URL referrer: User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
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