Sorry for the delay, long day!
Place this in a CustomMacroMethods.cs in your App_Code (i would make a subfolder of your site codename if you want to keep good coding standards)
using CMS.MacroEngine;
using CMS.Helpers;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CMS.DataEngine;
using System;
using CMS;
// Makes all methods in the 'CustomMacroMethods' container class available for string objects
[assembly: RegisterExtension(typeof(CustomMacroMethods), typeof(string))]
// Registers methods from the 'CustomMacroMethods' container into the "String" macro namespace
[assembly: RegisterExtension(typeof(CustomMacroMethods), typeof(UtilNamespace))]
public class CustomMacroMethods : MacroMethodContainer
[MacroMethod(typeof(string), "Takes a character seperated list of values and renders them into a comma seperated list with '' around them. Ex: abc|def would be resolved 'abc','def'", 1)]
[MacroMethodParam(0, "DelimeterSeperatedValue", typeof(string), "The Character seperated list")]
[MacroMethodParam(1, " Delimeter", typeof(string), "The character that seperates the items, defaults to | when not defined.")]
public static object GenerateWhereIn(EvaluationContext context, params object[] parameters)
// Branches according to the number of the method's parameters
switch (parameters.Length)
case 1:
// Overload with one parameter
return GenerateWhereIn(ValidationHelper.GetString(parameters[0], ""));
case 2:
// Overload with two parameters
return GenerateWhereIn(ValidationHelper.GetString(parameters[0], ""), ValidationHelper.GetString(parameters[1], "|")[0]);
// No other overloads are supported
throw new NotSupportedException();
[MacroMethod(typeof(string), "Escapes any single quotes and replaces with double quotes for SQL queries", 1)]
[MacroMethodParam(0, "Value", typeof(string), "The Value to Escape")]
public static object EscapeQuotes(EvaluationContext context, params object[] parameters)
// Branches according to the number of the method's parameters
switch (parameters.Length)
case 1:
// Overload with one parameter
return SqlHelper.EscapeQuotes(GenerateWhereIn(ValidationHelper.GetString(parameters[0], "")));
// No other overloads are supported
throw new NotSupportedException();
private static string GenerateWhereIn(string value, char delimeter = '|')
List<string> values = value.Split(delimeter).ToList();
values.ForEach(x => SqlHelper.EscapeQuotes(x));
return "'"+string.Join("','", values.ToArray()) + "'";
To use this, here's how you call it:
MyValue in ({% "abc|def".GenerateWhereIn() |(handlesqlinjection)false |(identity)GlobalAdministrator%}) == MyValue in ('abc','def')