Configurate Google Site Map Webpart - exclude folder, include folder content

Stefan Sturm asked on May 6, 2015 16:01


is there a way to configure the web part to list pages (no menu item) nested in an CMS.Folder but exclude the folder itself.

For better understanding: All the green marked pages should be listed, the red ones should not.

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Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on May 6, 2015 16:11

On the pages themselves, in the Properties>Navigation tab, set the show in sitemap property for all those necessary items.

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Stefan Sturm answered on May 6, 2015 16:32

This option is already set.

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Michael Hennessey answered on May 6, 2015 21:45

Hello Stefan,

Would you please confirm that you have unchecked the 'Show in sitemap' configuration for the CMS.Folder pages?

This should exclude them from Google Site Map.

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Stefan Sturm answered on May 7, 2015 10:08

Ok i solved the problem through disabling the "Hide children for hidden parent" selection and manually adding all needed page types in the google sitemap webpart.

Thank you for the response.

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